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Preparation Phase – The Money Maker

The money maker (preparation phase). 4 – 8 weeks out from your target event, is where you can make the most impact on your performance. The training you’ve done in the past few weeks should have led to a point where you can handle your maximum training load.

The Three Points of Note

  1. Preparation races. Within this big training block, you’ll want to schedule a race that is approx. half the distance/duration of your target event. Due to a large amount of training you’ll be undertaking, you won’t be at your peak, but it’ll provide you with an idea of what the second half of your event will feel like. You can practice all of your pacing, nutrition, and equipment before the big day.
  2. Tiredness, fatigue, and injury. You’ll want to start this training block in a good physical state. If you’re carrying an injury, or sickness, or you’re a bit run down, take the first week easy and target weeks 2 & 3 as your focus weeks.
  3. Plan ahead. Due to the value of this training block, you must be able to complete as much of it as possible. Especially the “key” training sessions. If you have any special upcoming events over the next four weeks, make sure you enter them into your calendar and shift your key workout days to ensure you can complete the most crucial training sessions.
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