Fine-tune your training.

Exceed your targets and dominate your races with bespoke coaching tailored for runners by a runner.

What’s Coaching All About?

Navigating your running journey can be complex, but you’re not alone – I’m here to light the way!

My coaching service is all about providing a clear strategy for your running, focusing on breaking down the barriers that prevent you from achieving your goals and setting new personal records. 🚀

So, what’s my approach?

I’ll closely examine your training data, pinpointing any areas for improvement that might be keeping you from unlocking your true potential.

It might be your training strategy that needs adjusting, or perhaps there’s a disconnect with the foundational principles of effective running. Whatever the issue, I’ll identify it and equip you with the insights and strategies to address it effectively.

Areas I can help

Training Plan Development

Crafting a personalized training plan can be overwhelming. We'll work together to develop a strategy that aligns with your goals, fitness level, and lifestyle, ensuring you're on the right path to achieving your running aspirations.

Performance Analysis

Understanding your current performance is key to improvement. I'll analyze your training data, race results, and running form to identify strengths and areas for growth, helping you become a more efficient runner.

Injury Prevention & Recovery

Staying injury-free is crucial for consistent training. We'll review your training history and current practices to suggest modifications aimed at reducing injury risk.

Nutrition & Hydration Strategies

Fueling your body correctly can make a significant difference in your performance. We'll provide guidance on nutrition and hydration strategies tailored to your training demands and personal preferences.

Race Planning & Pacing

Executing the perfect race requires more than just physical readiness; it demands a smart plan and precise pacing. We'll use your training data to craft a race strategy that optimizes your pacing, ensuring you perform at your best when it matters most.

Gear & Technology Guidance

The right gear and tech can enhance your running experience. I'll offer advice on choosing the best running shoes, equipment and technology that suit your needs and help you achieve optimal performance.

Who's it for?

Aspiring and Seasoned Runners: Whether you’re lacing up for the first time or you’re a seasoned marathoner looking to shave minutes off your personal best, my services are designed to elevate your running game. If you’re committed to growth and ready to put in the work, I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

Busy Professionals: I understand the challenge of balancing a demanding career, family responsibilities, and a passion for running. My programs are crafted with flexibility in mind, offering efficient and effective training strategies that fit into your hectic schedule.

Data-Driven Athletes: If you love diving into the numbers and believe in the power of data to inform training decisions, you’ll find a like-minded approach here. We’ll use your training data to uncover insights, track progress, and tailor your plan to your body’s unique responses.

Runners Seeking Science-Backed Methods: My approach is rooted in the latest sport and exercise science, making it ideal for runners who value evidence-based strategies. If you’re looking to understand the ‘why’ behind your training and how it impacts your performance, you’re in the right place.

How does it work?

For One-Off Consultations:

  1. Book Your Session: Choose a consultation service and set a date.
  2. Pre-Session Brief: Fill out a brief form to highlight your focus areas.
  3. Receive Your Link: Get the session link 24 hours in advance.
  4. Consultation Call: Engage in a targeted discussion to address your needs.
  5. Action Plan: Leave with clear, actionable steps to elevate your running.

For Ongoing Coaching:

  1. Application: Start by submitting an application for ongoing coaching.
  2. Assessment & Planning: We’ll assess your needs and craft a personalized coaching plan.
  3. Schedule & Start: Agree on a schedule that fits your life and kick off your tailored coaching journey.
  4. Regular Check-Ins: Benefit from consistent guidance, adjustments, and feedback.
  5. Continuous Growth: Experience sustained improvement and progress towards your goals.

Your Coaching Options

Training Consultation

Get your questions answered and start training effectively.
$ 199 usd
  • Customized Performance Boost: Gain personalized strategies to elevate your running performance.
  • Enhanced Training Techniques: Receive expert advice on optimizing your training routine and injury prevention for peak performance.
  • Actionable Science Insights: Translate complex sports science into practical, everyday training improvements with direct guidance.

Consultation & Training Plan

Let me create the best training plan for YOU
$ 349 usd
  • Tailored Training Blueprint: Receive a custom-crafted training plan that adapts to your lifestyle, goals, and performance level.
  • Strategic Performance Insights: Unlock actionable insights from your training data, with strategies focused on maximizing your running potential.
  • Expert Consultation: Get in-depth, one-time expert advice to fine-tune your training approach and tackle specific challenges.

Ongoing Coaching

Regular feedback with 1:1 support
$ POA monthly
  • Ongoing Expert Support: Benefit from continuous guidance and adjustments to your plan, ensuring consistent progress and adaptation.
  • Continuous Personalized Coaching: Experience adaptive coaching with regular check-ins to refine your training as you evolve.
  • In-Depth Performance Analysis: Engage in detailed analysis sessions to dissect your performance data, ensuring every run is a step towards your peak potential.

How do I know which service is right for me?

The consultation service might be best if you’re looking for targeted advice on specific issues.

Consultation with a training plan is ideal for those needing a structured plan but prefer to train independently.

Ongoing coaching will be the most beneficial if you’re seeking comprehensive, continuous support and guidance.


Q: What does the consultation service include?

A: The consultation service is a one-time, in-depth session designed to address specific questions or challenges you’re facing in your running journey. It’s perfect for runners seeking expert advice without the commitment to ongoing coaching.

A: Each consultation session lasts approximately 45 – 60 minutes, providing ample time to dive deep into your concerns and develop actionable strategies.

A: This service combines a one-time consultation session with a personalized training plan (up to 12 weeks). After our consultation, you’ll receive a customised training plan tailored to your goals, schedule, and fitness level.

A: Your training plan is highly personalized, taking into account your running history, goals, lifestyle, and any specific challenges you’ve shared during our consultation.

A: Ongoing coaching is a comprehensive, long-term partnership. It includes regular check-ins, training plan adjustments, performance analysis, and unlimited messaging support. This option is ideal for runners committed to achieving significant progress over time.

A: Communication frequency can vary based on the chosen coaching package. The base level includes four weekly 1:1 check-ins and consistent training analysis. More comprehensive packages include the flexibility to message me with questions or updates as needed. Response times are within 24 hours on weekdays.

A: Absolutely! If you start with a consultation or consultation with a training plan and decide you’d like more extensive support, you can upgrade to ongoing coaching at any time.

A: Yes, you can enhance your consultation and training plan package with additional check-ins. These check-ins provide an opportunity to review your progress, address any new challenges, and make adjustments to your training plan as needed. Adding check-ins is offered at a discounted rate, ensuring you receive the support you need to stay on track towards your goals.

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