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Fasted Training

Here’s an exert from a paper written by Performance Advantage co-founder Professor Steve Stannard;

“To ensure the most potent training stimulus, it has been argued that many training sessions should be conducted in the least performance-enhancing situation.Therefore recommendations aimed at ensuring optimal performance in a single bout of exercise, such as maximising carbohydrate intake and absorption, may not be advantageous during training.”

Put simply, the worse your physical state (up to a point) the better your training adaptation could be. The research we outline in the podcast found that fasted training resulted in improved VO2max and peak power outputs (cycling). That’s great news. However, the results differed slightly for men and women. While women improved their VO2max and peak power along with the men their biochemical adaptations were not so favourable. It is therefore a mixed result as to whether or not training in a fasted state is good for women.


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