
Unpacking the Mysteries of Grey Zone, Zone 3, and Junk Miles Running: A Guide for Runners

Running is a passion for many of us, but sometimes it can be unclear to understand the different terms and concepts related to training. This is especially true regarding the differences between the Grey Zone, Zone 3, and Junk Miles. If you’re a runner, it’s essential to understand these concepts to avoid making costly mistakes in your training.

Let me share with you my personal experience with the Grey Zone. When I first started running, I was all about pushing myself to the limit. I wanted to see how fast and how far I could go. But, as I started to race more, I noticed that I was feeling more and more tired, and my performance was not improving. That’s when I learned about the dangers of Grey Zone training.

Grey Zone training is any training done too hard or without purpose. It’s when you push yourself too hard and not train at the right intensity. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a full-time pro, this type of training can harm your fitness and become Junk Miles.

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Junk Miles are any miles that you run without purpose or without making you a better runner. When you run in the Grey Zone, you’re likely adding unnecessary stress to your body and not improving your performance.

On the other hand, Zone 3 is the ideal low-dose strength and stamina-building training zone. This type of training is often referred to as “tempo” training, and it’s beneficial for inducing increases in O2 demand, cardiovascular stress, lactate shuttling, and H+ buffer capacity without being completely taxing. However, avoiding pushing the pace on your easy or aerobic sessions is important, as this can quickly lead to the Grey Zone.

So, how do you stay out of the Grey Zone and avoid running Junk Miles? The key is to find your thresholds (pace, power, heart rate) and set your training zones. This will help you dictate and review your training intensity and ensure that you’re not wasting any runs. Additionally, it’s essential to be honest with yourself and not chase finish times outside your capacity.

I learned this lesson the hard way, but setting my running thresholds and following a structured training plan helped improve my performance. I found that by slowing down, I could go faster and achieve my running goals.

In conclusion, understanding the differences between the Grey Zone, Zone 3, and Junk Miles is crucial for any runner. By setting your running thresholds and following a structured training plan, you can avoid the dangers of Grey Zone training and become a better, faster, and more efficient runner.

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Optimise your training, eliminate the junk and SMASH your next race. There is no BS, just proven, evidence-back, actionable steps you can immediately use to enhance your run training.

Until next time.

Dr Will

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