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Completing a Training Race in Your Training Plan

Adding a running race within your training plan that is completed on a course that is similar to your ultramarathon gives you the opportunity to collect a lot of valuable data.

You’ll be able to get an indication of the pace you’ll be able to maintain during your ultramarathon as well as insight into how your nutrition and equipment performed.

A “Training Race” should be completed at 80-90% of your capacity. You still have a lot of training ahead of you, so you can’t afford to dig too deep.

There’s no need to taper before your race, but you will need to recover afterwards to ensure you can continue to progress your fitness.

Because of the demands of a training race compared to normal training, you’ll need to have a recovery or adaptation week after your training race to ensure you maximise the benefits.

Within your training plan, your training race will already have recovery incorporated after your race. If you need to change your training race to a different weekend, you’ll need to move the race and the following Mon-Fri to ensure you get the best adaptions from your race. 

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