Maximize Your Mileage,

Master Your Races

Elevate your training, surpass your goals, and conquer every distance with precision-crafted running plans.

My Training Plans Follow a System

My training plans operate on four main systems: Base Phase, Ready-to-Race, Base to Race, and Maintenance. Each is designed in 12 to 13-week blocks, the minimum time I recommend for any training system. But life’s not always that neat, right? That’s why I’ve modularized the plans into distinct phases, separated by adaptation or recovery weeks. Whether you’re exactly 12 weeks out from your goal race or need some wiggle room, you can easily add or remove these phases to tailor the plan.


This flexibility is a cornerstone of my Training Unlimited Membership. Need to swap in more hill work or adjust due to life’s curveballs? No problem. The membership gives you the adaptability to change your race plan or schedule, especially crucial for us busy parents and working professionals. Plus, it saves you $19.95 a month by including Premium TrainingPeaks subscription. Customize your training and save—sign up today!

Base Phase

In endurance sports, your aerobic base is your bedrock. This plan is rooted in exercise physiology principles, focusing on developing your aerobic capacity, muscular endurance, and metabolic efficiency.

Race Ready

features tailored workouts designed to give you benchmark insights into what you can achieve on race day. These sessions work in harmony with your training zones, allowing you to fine-tune your pacing and fueling strategies.


If you're serious about conquering your next event, you need a plan that covers all the bases—literally. My Base2Race Plan is a comprehensive program that takes you from building a solid foundation to fine-tuning your race-day strategy.

What is TrainingPeaks?

TrainingPeaks is the go-to platform for data-driven training, offering everything from simple workout uploads to complex fatigue load metrics. That’s why a Premium TrainingPeaks subscription is included in my Training Unlimited Membership. You’ll have access to the same advanced tools I use for crafting scientifically-backed training plans and race strategies. Plus, bundling it with my membership saves you $19.95 a month. Elevate your training and save—sign up today!

One-year Runners University

The one-year option is designed to give you a full year of intellectual support through exclusive course access. We’re talking hours of high-quality, curated info on dissecting your training, crafting killer workouts, and executing races like a pro.

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