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Explore My Training Zone Calculators

If you’ve caught my discussions on training zones, you’re in the right spot to dive deeper. Check out this calculator and let’s turn that knowledge into results!

Training Plans

Maximize your potential as a runner with my precisely calibrated and scientifically driven training plans based on years of experience and proven results. 

Training Unlimited

With my unlimited training programme, you can get instant access to over 200 of my most effective training plans and workouts, 12 months of premium training software (TrainingPeaks), and access to all my courses.

1-1 Coaching

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Helpful Resources

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About Me

Hey there! I’m Dr. Will O’Connor. With a PhD in sports science and countless miles under my belt, my life’s work is all about blending the art of running with solid scientific principles.

Running isn’t just a sport for me; it’s a way of life. From those early morning runs that kickstarted my day to the ultra-marathons that test my limits, every step is a story. And it’s these stories, combined with a deep dive into exercise science, that I bring to you.

My mission? Simple. To make you a faster, more informed runner. Whether you’re just starting out and struggling to find your rhythm, or you’re a seasoned runner chasing a new personal best, I’m here to guide you. I believe in making the complex simple, turning scientific insights into actionable, everyday tips.

But it’s not all about the grind. I firmly believe in balance—mixing rigorous training with the rest of life’s demands. Because let’s face it, we’re not just runners; we’re parents, professionals, and friends, all rolled into one. Staying healthy, avoiding injury, and preventing burnout are just as important as the training itself.

So, whether you’ve heard me on my podcast, seen me on YouTube, or are just discovering me now, welcome. I’m thrilled to have you on this journey. Together, we’ll explore the science of running, celebrate the victories, and, most importantly, enjoy the run.

Your Ultimate Companion for Training Zone Mastery.

Inside, You’ll Discover:

✅ The Art of Using Heart Rate, Pace, and Power – Master these metrics to fine-tune your training for peak performance.

✅ Setting Your Training Zones – Personalize your device for targeted workouts that bring results.

✅ Testing Your Threshold – Ensure your training zones are perfectly aligned with your current fitness level.

✅ The Ideal Re-Test Schedule – Keep your training zones up-to-date and maximize your progress.

✅ Navigating Training Zones – Understand the nuances of each zone to train smarter, not harder.

✅ Tempo vs. Threshold – Clarify these critical concepts to optimize your training strategy.

✅ Exclusive Workouts – Steal my expert-designed sessions for Marathon, Half, Ultra, and 5-10K training.

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Road to sub-15min 5km blog series

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Steal my training plan formula

Ultramrathon eBook

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Running Power Webinar

Sports Nutrition Webinar

Run-walk marathon method