Save time searching the web and get a all the resources you need to get the most out of your power meter. Earn CEUs and learn the science of power meters with our unique podcasting style.
Total learning time: 2h15m, broken into 3 modules and 3-5min videos
Campus: Online (self-scheduled)
Diploma: Completion certificate
Why You Need a MTB Power Meter
Getting faster in MTB shouldn’t be left to guesswork. Power meters have revolutionized training in road cycling, and have led to new levels of performance for all the riders using them. I got my first power meter in 2008, and first MTB power meter in 2011. At the time I was told that the data was too messy to be used on trails, but we’ve come a long way. It was only after I looked through my data that I started to understand who I was as a racer and what I needed to do to improve.
The problem
Power meters are incredibly powerful, but in takes time to figure out the right way to interret the data. Web searches can answer single questions, but it’s it’s important that these are taken into context. Our courses start from the beginning, explain all the terminology the way it’s meant to be, and take you all the way through making the most of your data.
Who is this course for?
Riders at every level are using power meters to get faster. Early adopters are leading the pack. Power meters take up virtually no space, have almost no weight penalty, and record directly to your GPS without much thought. This course is for:
- Downhill riders looking to understand their riding and gain seconds
- XC racers looking to increase their FTP
- Trail riders aiming to win the weeknight group ride
- Enduro racers who want to race fast in every stage
- MTB coaches who want to communicate in plain language
This course goes beyond just power – we discuss the important MTB science, braking, training by heart rate and pace, and so much more!
What’s in the course?
Module 1: Fundamentals of Power
We break down what power is and how it’s measured so you can compare it to everyday life. We introduce popular and powerful metrics in TrainingPeaks.
Module 2: Getting Started with Your Power Meter
Discover the most important tests you can do with your power meter and what these mean for actual riding and training.
Module 3: Analyzing Performance and Implementing Change
Learn the simplest and most effective analysis so you don’t waste your time with irrelevant data.
More than just a course
Not only will you have three engaging modules delivered by industry-leading professionals, but you’ll also get access to some of our most popular workouts, training plans, and unpublished work. There are three separate modules and you get lifetime access to on-demand resources. Interactive quizzes and videos ensure you are getting all the info you need. You finish the course with a graduation certificate!
This course includes a FREE Training Peaks power meter training plan for MTB riders worth $129. You can upload the power workouts to a smart trainer or GPS, and also get proven skills training sessions built in!
Who are your presenters?
This course is hosted by Dr Matt Miller of MTB PhD with support from Dr Will O’Connor. Dr Matt is the inventor of the BrakeAce power meter and world-leading MTB researcher. He works with MTB athletes from beginner to the world cup and has been racing for over 20 years. He had one of the first Quarq power meters and has been training with power since 2008. Learn more about Dr Matt here.
- 6 Sections
- 42 Lessons
- Lifetime
- Module 1- Fundamentals of Power12
- 1.05 Reasons You Need a Power Meter1 Minute
- 1.1Overview1 Minute
- 1.2Why Use Power?3 Minutes
- 1.3What is Power?
- 1.4Measuring Power on a Bike3 Minutes
- 1.5Is Power Better Than Heart Rate?5 Minutes
- 1.6MTB Intensity Profile2 Minutes
- 1.7Power Compared to Speed and RPE7 Minutes
- 1.8Vibrations, Skill & Braking3 Minutes
- 1.9TrainingPeak Metrics for MTB4 Minutes
- 1.10What is Normalized Power?
- 1.11Picking the Best Power Meter4 Minutes
- Module 1- Additional resources4
- Module 2| Getting started with your power meter11
- 3.0Overview2 Minutes
- 3.1How to Test FTP4 Minutes
- 3.2Setting FTP in TrainingPeaks2 Minutes
- 3.3Be Wary of Default Zones2 Minutes
- 3.4Using Training Zones2 Minutes
- 3.5Coggan Training Zones and What They Mean3 Minutes
- 3.6The Link Between Zones and Energy Systems5 Minutes
- 3.7Lactate Threshold & MTB3 Minutes
- 3.8Power Profiling1 Minute
- 3.9When Do You Want Peak Power2 Minutes
- 3.105 Pillars of Quick Analysis4 Minutes
- Module 2 | Additional Resources4
- MODULE III | Analyzing Performance and Implement C12
- 5.0Intro & Overview1 Minute
- 5.1Aerobic MTB ride analysis8 Minutes
- 5.2Aerobic road ride analysis6 Minutes
- 5.3Long road climbs at Sweetspot6 Minutes
- 5.4Long MTB climbs at Sweetspot11 Minutes
- 5.5MTB intervals on Zwift8 Minutes
- 5.6Cross country MTB race analysis8 Minutes
- 5.7Tailoring XC training around analysis3 Minutes
- 5.8Enduro MTB race analysis10 Minutes
- 5.9Analyzing my race win1 Minute
- 5.10Module III Slides
- 5.11M3 Quiz5 Questions